Food isn’t only essential for nourishing our body, it could also impact other factors in our lives, such as relationships with others around us. Food choices can directly affect our emotions. Eventually, regular influence to our emotional states could also determine how we act. It is obvious that our actions significantly affect our relationships. If we eat tasty and healthy foods each day, we will constantly build up positive emotions, which will drive our thoughts and then our actions. If we accumulate negative emotions and thoughts, we will do something bad, which could impair our relationships. Although emotions are affected by many things, not just food, but things that we eat will affect our relationship with children, spouses and co-workers.

It is a common fact that people who have poor diet will be affected by poor diet as well. So, it is not possible for you to maintain good health, if you continue eating food that’s bad for your body and mental situation. As an example, choosing food that causes intolerance or allergy will be bad for your mood as well. People with intolerance to gluten could feel somewhat sluggish, when they eat anything made from wheat. Blood sugar fluctuations could also change your overall mood. If your blood sugar level is high, you will become irritable. Low blood sugar may cause you to feel lethargic, depressed and anxious. If your diet is low in minerals, beneficial fatty acids, vitamins and Omega 3, your moods can be altered as well.

As an example, if you are deficient in vitamin D, you will experience fatigue, depressions and mood swings. By consuming supplements, you may noticeable changes in mood. It is a good idea if you keep a regularly updated food diary. In this diary, you should record everything that you drink and eat. This could sound quite tedious, but it’s obviously beneficial for your long term health. It is a good idea if you can seek an experienced health care consultant or nutritionist to help make changes on what and how you eat. Any change you do should be appropriate and ensure proper health. Many people find it difficult to change their eating habits and choose healthy ingredients. If you always eat streaks of bacon and eggs scrambled in butter each morning, it would be hard to switch to whole grain bread and lean meat.

Making changes should be quite simple and easy. You need to make small changes over time. Many people are too eager at first and they use the all or nothing approach to change nearly all ingredients drastically. This would only lead to failure, because you will force yourself too hard.  Find things that you can change without affecting your comfort level too much. As an example, you may change potato chips or other high-sodium snacks with roasted nuts and fresh fruits. Instead of eating fat-rich popcorn and ice cream while eating movie at home, fruits and nuts can be great accompaniments as well.