Many people suffer from anxiety and with people working from home, there has been an increase in cases in recent years. Some people feel it worst of an evening, but many feel their anxiety kicking in as soon as they open their eyes. When all the potential worries and stresses of the day come flooding through which in turn makes you just want to stay in bed and not get up for the day to face it.

We all know that staying in bed is not going to help anything, and if anything, it will make things feel much worse throughout the day. What helps to relieve anxious feelings is quite the opposite, getting up earlier helps to relieve those feelings by allowing you to schedule a routine with the extra time you have in the mornings. This helps to plan your day out properly, leaving nothing to chance. Whether this is having a coffee and meditating or doing your morning exercise, it is all great to help you relieve your anxiety. 

Morning routines are a powerful tool as they help to set a pattern for your day ahead, as usual, a stressful morning will result in an anxious afternoon. If you create a short plan for the day, it helps you wake up with purpose which in turn helps you to feel more prepared for the day. 


How To Start A Morning Routine 

Consider How Much Realistic Time You Have In The Morning

Everyone has a certain amount of time in the morning that we can do what we want, whether this is an hour or 20 minutes, there is always some time in the morning that can be used to do something productive to make your day better. An example, if you are one who has children, your morning routine will be significantly longer than one who doesn’t, so it is best to figure out how much time you personally have in the morning. One way you can make this easier is to wake up earlier. This sounds obvious, but it really helps as it gives you more time to plan your day out properly as this plays a vital role in regulating our mood. This doesn’t mean that you should lose out on your precious sleep to become an early riser. This simply means going to bed earlier and waking up earlier so you get a good amount of sleep.

Figure Out What Routines Help You

This will take some trial and error but once you have figured out your best regimes to help alleviate anxiety symptoms, you will start to feel more positive in the mornings. Remember, what works for your partner or friend or the influencer you may follow, may not actually work for you so keep trying and you will get there. 

One helpful tip for this is to have a think of the stress and worries and figure out what triggers your anxiety. Once you have figured this out, you can then start to work on what really helps to alleviate these symptoms such as exercise, writing a journal or even meditating. 

Make Your Morning Routine Enjoyable

There is nothing worse than a routine that you hate, it leads to putting things off and sets you up for a bad day when your mood is low. By allowing yourself to have some enjoyment out of the routine, it encourages you to stick to it and will in turn be part of your new life. This doesn’t mean that you have to do a 20 step guide for the morning, but adding small changes to your existing plan that are easily incorporated will feel effortless. 

This is easier if you plan the night before so you already have the list in your head when you wake up. It is also best to do small preparations such as getting your clothes ready can help to get your tasks done properly.

What Morning Activities Help Reduce Anxiety?

There are many different activities that can help with anxiety, so it is best to try each of these and see what works for you. 

Sip Water In The Morning:

Before you pop the kettle on in the morning, ensure you have a glass of water for the first thing you consume. There are many benefits of consuming water as soon as you wake up as it improves cognitive functions and also encourages your body to regulate emotions which takes less than a minute to do as this could be done the evening before. This is a great and healthy way to start your morning properly. 

Take A Walk Outside

One of the best ways to ground you in the morning and wake you up is to take a walk outside. This has numerous benefits such as encouraging our senses to wake up from the wind hitting our face, the noises of the outside world reaching our ears and the sunlight reaching our eyes which in turn creates serotonin that boosts our mood.


Breathing exercises can really help to ground yourself and live in the present. Due to anxiety being the fear of the unknown, this helps to keep you in the present so you are not constantly worrying about what could happen rather than what is happening. Meditating is proven to help many people with relieving anxiety symptoms as many people suffer the worst in the mornings. 

Practice Gratitude

One thing that many people forget to do when suffering from either depression or anxiety is to take into consideration the good things in your life. This can either be stored in your head, told to your partner or you could alternatively write it down. 

Starting your day by filling your thoughts with what you are grateful for can help to boost your mood for the morning when your anxiety is always worst. 

Avoid Your Mobile First Thing In The Morning

Work emails, texts, and social media notifications are all nuisances in the morning which can wait until you have finished your morning routine. If one charges their phone next to them in bed, then this should be avoided and put in the other room or on the opposite side of the room so it isn’t easily accessible. Scrolling through endless posts for a few minutes can result in another 30 minutes in bed and if you are reading things to do with work, then this can instantly trigger morning anxiety. If you do charge your phone next to you, opt for an alarm clock instead. 

Take Your Vitamins

Vitamins are there to give you the boost you need, there are vitamins for all types of conditions, and this also includes anxiety. There is a range of different vitamins and supplements that can help with anxiety, but some have been proven to do more than others. This includes vitamin D, Omega 3 and magnesium supplements as all play a role in reducing the physical symptoms of anxiety. 

If you are struggling to deal with your anxiety and have followed these steps, then maybe it is time to go and talk to someone about it. Whether this is your doctor, partner, friend or family member. There are many different forms of help and counselling may just be one option.