The education system in most countries is divided into several stages: early childhood, primary, secondary and higher education. The education superior is done at the university level and lasts and a particular and variable structure according to the legislation of each country. As a general rule to access secondary education, a prior access test is carried out. The students who pass it can carry out the university academic training they choose, although the grade obtained in the entrance exams is decisive to qualify for certain studies. Secondary education is in turn made up of a series of stages, usually a degree (the traditional bachelor’s degree), followed by a master’s degree and the possibility of a doctorate.

Higher education differs between undergraduate and graduate studies, depending on the professional system and academic degrees. The basic requirement to enter an institute of higher education is between 15 and 20 years, since at this age it is assumed that primary and secondary education has been completed, another requirement to be able to pursue higher education.

Higher education gives the student the opportunity to train academically and then enter the labour field. That is why it studies a set of subjects considered mandatory and others considered optional, in order to exercise a profession that is associated with them. It is important that the person before pursuing higher education is very clear about his professional vocation and how the labour market is in relation to the career he wishes to pursue.

Higher education is not only dedicated to training professionals, but also has a research-oriented function and this in turn must be linked to society, since many of the knowledge obtained from research should benefit society. Since the ideal is that all graduates of a university must be aware that it is a social being, therefore it must serve not only himself, but the society to which it is integrated.

The minimum that a university career can last is three years, being able to extend a few more years. Nowadays, university academic training has been diversifying, that is to say, distance learning programs or exchanges of students between universities have been created.

In short, the important thing about pursuing a university career, is not only the vocation you have or the desire to be a professional, but the expectations of growth at a personal, professional and salary level are improved. Many of those who graduate from universities tend to earn higher salaries compared to those who only finish high school.

The purpose of higher education

From an individual perspective, higher education provides the student with the academic training to access the job market. In this sense, a series of compulsory and other optional subjects are studied with the purpose of exercising a profession related to them. Before starting the university education the student must assess two relevant issues: his professional vocation and personal interests and the situation of the labour market in relation to the chosen studies.

Within the framework of higher education, a research task is carried out that has a connection with society. This basically means that university research goes beyond obtaining a degree or a specific project, because society as a whole benefits from the knowledge acquired in the research task.

Relevant aspects

Higher education has a minimum duration of three years and may last a few more years. This circumstance implies that the student must have accurate information on various aspects: the difference between public and private universities, the scholarship policy, the study of languages ​​or the validation of the university degree in other nations.

The traditional academic education has changed substantially in recent years and nowadays there have been widespread non-contact programs, exchanges of students between universities or expansion of studies in other countries. Higher education must be governed by intellectual rigor, the freedom of teaching staff and moral values that permeate academic knowledge. On the other hand, educational methods based on innovation must be incorporated, as well as approaches that foster critical thinking and creativity.



Author’s Bio

Tony Slick is one of the writers and bloggers at Assignment box &  most appreciated by fashion actors. He is also passionate about the song. Tony Slick won the 2014 Best Mannequin Man of the Year Award at Top 10 Fashion.  His Facebook publications – even the most innocuous – generate on average thousands of likes.